1. Check Box 기본 사용법
2. CButton MSDN
CButton::Create Creates the Windows button control and attaches it to the CButton object.
CButton::DrawItem Override to draw an owner-drawn CButton object.
CButton::GetBitmap Retrieves the handle of the bitmap previously set with SetBitmap.
CButton::GetButtonStyle Retrieves information about the button control style.
CButton::GetCheck Retrieves the check state of a button control.
int nStatus;
nStatus = m_btnSwingStepModeOn.GetCheck();
switch (nStatus)
CButton::GetCursor Retrieves the handle of the cursor image previously set with SetCursor.
CButton::GetIcon Retrieves the handle of the icon previously set with SetIcon.
CButton::GetIdealSize Retrieves the ideal size of the button control.
CButton::GetImageList Retrieves the image list of the button control.
CButton::GetNote Retrieves the note component of the current command link control.
CButton::GetNoteLength Retrieves the length of the note text for the current command link control.
CButton::GetSplitGlyph Retrieves the glyph associated with the current split button control.
CButton::GetSplitImageList Retrieves the image list for the current split button control.
CButton::GetSplitInfo Retrieves information that defines the current split button control.
CButton::GetSplitSize Retrieves the bounding rectangle of the drop-down component of the current split button control.
CButton::GetSplitStyle Retrieves the split button styles that define the current split button control.
CButton::GetState Retrieves the check state, highlight state, and focus state of a button control.
CButton::GetTextMargin Retrieves the text margin of the button control.
CButton::SetBitmap Specifies a bitmap to be displayed on the button.
CButton::SetButtonStyle Changes the style of a button.
CButton::SetCheck Sets the check state of a button control.
CButton::SetCursor Specifies a cursor image to be displayed on the button.
CButton::SetDropDownState Sets the drop-down state of the current split button control.
CButton::SetIcon Specifies an icon to be displayed on the button.
CButton::SetImageList Sets the image list of the button control.
CButton::SetNote Sets the note on the current command link control.
CButton::SetSplitGlyph Associates a specified glyph with the current split button control.
CButton::SetSplitImageList Associates an image list with the current split button control.
CButton::SetSplitInfo Specifies information that defines the current split button control.
CButton::SetSplitSize Sets the bounding rectangle of the drop-down component of the current split button control.
CButton::SetSplitStyle Sets the style of the current split button control.
CButton::SetState Sets the highlighting state of a button control.
CButton::SetTextMargin Sets the text margin of the button control.