
[영어회화] 1

도영수 2015. 12. 1. 07:58

I'll help you + (verb)

나는 너에게 ~ 을 도와주고 싶다.

This lets you inform someone that you are willing to provide assistance. This could refer to something physical or mental, like helping someone to 'think' or 'remember' somethi

Here are some examples:

prevent : ~하는 것을 막다.

raise : 수준 양을 증가시키다. 올리다. 들어올리다.

charity : 자선단체

provide : 제공하다/주다/규정하다

realize : 깨닫다/알아차리다/인식하다

potential : 잼재적인, 가능성, 잠재력

grocery : 식료품 잡화점

"I'll help you cook dinner tonight."

나는 저녁 요리하는 것을 도와주고 싶다. 오늘 밤

"I'll help you raise money for your charity."

나는 너의 자선단체를 위해 기금을 증가 시키는것들 도와주겠다.

"I'll help you register for your class online."

나는 너의 온라인 반에 등록하는 것을 도와주겠다.

"I'll help you move to your new house."

나는 너의 새로운 집으로 이사하는 것을 도와주겠다.

"I'll help you prevent that from happening again."

일어난 일이 다시 일어나지 않게 막는 것을 도와드겠다.

"I will help you park your car."

너의 차를 주차하는 것을 도와주겠다.

"I will help you provide all the information you need."

나는 모든 정보를 제공하는 것을 돕겠다/너에게 필요한

"I will help you realize your potential."

나는 너의 가능성을 깨닫는것을 도와줄것이다.

"I will help you stop smoking."

나는 너의 금연을 도와줄 것이다.

"I will help you shop for groceries."

나는 식료품 쇼핑하는 것을 도와줄 것이다.

I'm thinking of + (verb-ing)

'Thinking' refers to a process of thought, forming an opinion or judgment. When expressing 'I am thinking of' you are letting someone know what you are personally thinking.

Here are some examples:

"I'm thinking of checking out the new movie."

"I'm thinking of filming my vacation."

"I'm thinking of following a healthy diet."

"I'm thinking of handing out flyers describing our business."

"I'm thinking of increasing my work load."

"I am thinking of introducing myself to him."

"I am thinking of launching a new website."

"I am thinking of moving to a new city."

"I am thinking of offering her the position."

"I am thinking of opening up a store."

I'm sorry to + (verb)

Saying you are 'sorry to' expresses a feeling of sympathy or regret.

Here are some examples:

"I'm sorry to be so late."

"I'm sorry to hear about your sick mother."

"I'm sorry to waste your time."

"I'm sorry to make you feel so sad."

"I'm sorry to frighten you."

"I'm sorry to disagree with your decision."

"I'm sorry to call so late."

"I'm sorry to admit what I did."

"I'm sorry to end this relationship."

I'm working on + (noun)

'I'm' is a contraction for the words 'I am.' The phrase 'working on' relays a physical or mental effort towards an accomplishment.

Here are some examples:

"I'm working on a big project."

"I'm working on training my dog."

"I'm working on making new friends."

"I'm working on educating myself."

"I'm working on my homework."

"I am working on painting a house."

"I am working on a new idea."

"I am working on my computer."

"I'm working on my website."

I'm calling to + (verb)

When using the words 'I'm calling' you are stating that you are actually using the phone to call and relay information.

Here are some examples:

"I'm calling to tell you about my day."

"I'm calling to accept your invitation."

"I'm calling to answer your question."

"I'm calling to book a reservation at your restaurant."

"I'm calling to complain about something."

"I'm calling to thank you."

"I'm calling to support your decision."

"I'm calling to remind you of our dinner plans."

"I'm calling to report a lost wallet."

"I'm calling to receive my prize."